Believing Your “Impossible!”

“I can’t do THAT! It’s IMPOSSIBLE!”

Have you ever said that? Ever believed it? Ever absolutely KNOWN it to be true? Probably – most of us have. We may have said it differently, like “I’ll never be as (strong, rich, successful, whatever) as so-and-so is,” or “I just wasn’t born to be a ______,” or some other message that keeps us from trying something.

That’s fine, if it is really true. But how do we know if it is really true? Simple: if we have tried it repeatedly, consistently and persistently, and have gotten qualified or experienced help and guidance, and have done our due diligence in researching and trying alternative ways to do it, and used every resource at our disposal, all to no avail, then perhaps, maybe, possibly, it might be true that we can’t do that thing.

But most of us give up trying long before the evidence shows we can’t do it. That’s not a problem if we discover that it just wasn’t as important to us as we thought, or it didn’t satisfy us the way we had hoped it would. But if it is something that we feel passionate about or feel deeply called to – if it’s our DREAM – then this kind of thinking is a big saboteur! It’s a mental predator that will destroy our resolve and eventually become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So before you believe something is impossible for you, first follow these steps to see if it is something you can, want to and are able to do:

1) Determine how important it is to you. Stephen King’s first book was rejected nearly 3 dozen times before it was finally published. Diana Nyad was willing to suffer great pain to swim from Cuba to Florida, and failed multiple times until she finally made it at age 64. Malala Yousafzai and her father Ziauddin are willing to face death in order that girls be able to get an education. Kevin O’Leary built a billion-dollar business from a $1,000 loan. What all these people have in common is commitment, determination and discipline. Are you hungry enough for your dream to do what it takes to achieve it?

2) Acknowledge whether it can be done at all, by anyone. If it can be done by someone, it can probably be done by you (if you have enough desire for it). You are what is possible. Let go of what blocks you and build on your strengths.

3) If it can be done and you want to do it, what will it take to do it? What tools or resources do you need? What help do you need and who can provide it? What stamina (mental and emotional as well as physical) do you need and do you have enough? Or do you need to repair, recharge and “reboot” yourself in preparation for the task ahead?

4) Do you have enough support? Do you have people in your life who will cheerlead you and empower you to follow your dream?

5) Make a plan that has specific, measurable steps you can take on a consistent, persistent basis. A plan that you can follow even on those days when you begin to doubt yourself or your dream – you probably WILL have those days!

6) Remember that Inspiration + Motivation + Perspiration > Success. So keep finding or creating ways to be inspired and enthusiastic about what you are doing, ways to keep your motivation on fire, and ways to keep working at it. If the dream is important enough to you, so are the steps necessary to make it come true.

7) HAVE FUN! If your dream is not making you happy, what’s the point of doing it?

When you find something that really matters to you, be willing to go to any lengths to pursue it. It’s not about the goal or dream itself – it’s more about you and what you bring to your dream. Though your dream may seem impossible, say to yourself “I’m possible!” and then go pursue your vision.

1 thought on “Believing Your “Impossible!””

  1. I am discovering that something I thought was important to me, that I expected to bring me a measure of joy- because in the past it had done so–simply isn’t. And though I’m keeping on, until this runs it course, I am certain I won’t pursue this endeavor in the future. At least not in the setting and with the conditions I’ve had in the most recent instance.


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