INTENTION – Knowing Where You’re Going

Once we know who we truly, deeply are, the next step is to determine where we are going (or growing) in life. What is it, exactly, that we intend for ourselves? To answer that, we have to know how heart’s deep desire.

Many recovery circles talk about going where we are led, of getting “out of the driver’s seat.” There is some wisdom in that, but at the same time it is important to know who or what is leading us or driving us, and where we are going.

In Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-Step programs, the answer to that is God or the Higher Power of our individual understanding. Step 11 says in part, “…praying only for knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry that out.”

But how do we know God’s will, or if we’re not believers, how do we know our heart’s deep desire? I believe they are one and the same. The major religions and philosophies refer to it as our “calling” or purpose. This calling is the basis for our Intention if we are to be true to ourselves. At issue here is aligning three questions: Who am I? Who do I want to be? Who am I called to be? When we can find the single thread that weaves through those questions, Intention is clear.

There are three components – Vision, Power and Embodiment – that make up the second pillar of Living the Soul of Recovery, which guide us to bringing the answers to those questions into alignment. Here is an overview of them.

Vision – How to Create a Vision for Your Life

What is the deep desire of your heart and soul? We tend to think of desire in terms of acquisition and/or accomplishment. There is nothing wrong with that. But they are things, symbols, and are only representations (at best) what we really seek. True desire goes deeper, into the meaning and sense of purpose in life that no external thing or achievement can truly fulfill.

The real desire is not so much about what you want to have in life. It is a little more about what you want to do in life. But it is mostly about who you want to be in life. This is what to envision. Imagine what it would look like, feel like, and be like to embody this deep desire.

One way to think about it is what impact do you want to have or what legacy do you want to leave? And why is that important to you? See it as clearly as you can in your mind’s eye. Recognize it in others. Notice it in the pictures or movies or videos you see.  Get as clear and vivid an image as you can of what calls you to step into the fullness of you’re your possibility.

Power – How to Use Your Unique Talents and Abilities on Behalf of Your Vision

Once you have a vision for the life you deeply desire and are called to, how will you achieve it? What are the thoughts, beliefs and actions necessary for you to manifest this life?

This is where your power comes into play. By this I mean your true power, your capabilities, not control, which is only the illusion of power. True power is seated in your Essence (see the previous blog) and is built by the persistent expression of your inner attributes, values and truth. It is in being a person of integrity and positive intention that you align with this power.

When we truly commit ourselves, to the best of our ability, to what has the greatest meaning, purpose and joy for us, all kinds of synchronicities (coincidences) come to our aid to empower and support us further. Events, circumstances, people, opportunities all but conspire to pave our way.

Embodiment – How to Sharpen and Ground Your Vision

It is not enough, however, to see where we want to go or what changes and actions are necessary to get there. The desire has to be felt – viscerally and emotionally – as deeply as possible. When we embody our passion, another term people use for this heart and soul desire, we make it as real and palpable as we can so it is not like some theoretic concept in our imagination but a real part of us, just waiting to come to fruition.

Then the task is simply to do the things that keep replicating that feeling. We have all heard stories of long-distance runners imagining and feeling the thrill of breaking the tape at the finish line, or singers who walk into an empty arena and can “hear” the concert crowd cheering their performance. This is embodiment. Sensing, feeling and being our way through the right actions and into the life we desire.


Lest you think that this process is impossible, rest assured that we can’t do any of this 100%. Becoming more fully aware of our wisdom and essence (previous article) and our vision and power is an unfolding, like a flower blooming. But this blooming takes a lifetime. Each day we just do our best, without excuses or rationalizations or negative self-judgment.


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