The Challenge Is On!

A Personal New Year’s Letter to My Readers

No lessons or steps for this issue, just a commitment. I invite you into my heart this time.

The holiday season is over, and we have begun a new year. My holidays were a little different than usual – Throughout the month of December, I participated in one of the most intensive trainings in my life, “The Inspired Leader’s Rites of Passage” (created and masterfully led by the visionary founder of The Inspired Leaders Academy, Lizabeth Phelps, ). Think bootcamp, like “The Biggest Loser” for the soul!

The full impact of this experience will, no doubt, unfold over time. But the immediate effect is how it impacts my work with those who put their trust in me as their coach.

We live in challenging, sometimes chaotic, often frustrating times. Everyone is impacted by the addiction-like, brain-numbing destructiveness we see in the media, in politics, in the financial realm and other aspects of our society. It can be hard to maintain focus on our own dreams and goals when we are inundated with “other peoples’ agenda.”

But that’s exactly what many of us are called to do: focus on our own mission and use it to serve others. The world needs people who are willing to be bold on behalf of a greater vision, a vision of loving kindness, empowered action, creativity and contribution.

Not everyone agrees with this, and some who agree are not on that path. As long as they are on a journey that is constructive and caring, we can only wish them well.

But for those of us who want to make a more peaceful, prosperous, meaningful world community – either locally or globally – the opportunity is here, now, to do what we are capable of. And we are capable of so much! I see it in so many of you whom I’ve met, and I know it to be true of so many others.

For my part, the work is called “Living the Soul of Recovery.” It is geared toward people with long-term recovery from addictions or self-defeating habits who are feeling ready for “something more” or “something deeper” as their recovery remains solid but their lives feel stagnant, stressed or overwhelmed.

Yet at any given moment, as many as half of my clients don’t identify themselves as “in recovery” – will I abandon them? Of course not! We are all in “discovery” and “recovery,” discovering our purpose and meaning, and recovering our passion and power to shape our lives and futures. I welcome everyone who believes, as I do, that it’s time to really “show up” and make a difference: first in our own lives, so we have the resources we need, and then in the lives of others who need our talents, skills and passions.

In the weeks and months ahead, my mission is to make this LifeLetter, Facebook posts, videos, and every other venue available a system of support for your mission. You will find practical, doable actions you can take that will help you commit to accomplishing your dream and benefit others in the process. You will find links to other resources, and opportunities to join in community with kindred spirits. I hope you will take full advantage of it, and share what you find here with everyone you feel can benefit from it.

For those who are ready to really dig in, I have made more time available to work with you. You have your mission (or you are seeking to discover it), but you ARE my mission – so take advantage of the moment and contact me now.

This is your time, and I look forward to serving you in every way I can.

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