Thoughts on the Journey…

Yesterday I passed another milestone in this journey of life, another birthday. It wasn’t one of those major ones that call for a lot of hoopla and celebration, but none-the-less it’s worthy of acknowledgement. I mean let’s face it, when it’s fully engaged life is a risky business, and so the markers of its successful navigation deserve at least a nod.

I am not living the life I anticipated in my teens and twenties, and for that I’m grateful (it’s a long story, but summing up, I was on the fast track to self-destruction and didn’t have much of a grip on the controls). And not every dream has come true. But I am living the life I created and attracted, consciously and unconsciously, and it’s a good life. There have been plenty of tough times and there will be more, but it’s a good life.

I hear a lot of my contemporaries reminisce about “the good old days,” and while I have some very fond memories of people and events from my past, there isn’t an age I’d go back to and relive even if “I knew then what I know now.” I know better than to think any personal lessons one must learn in life can be avoided; they’ll just present themselves in other ways. I take the lessons as they show up, gain as much as I can from each experience, and enjoy the in-between times while the next lessons (or the unfinished parts of old lessons) prepare something gritty for me.

But life isn’t just lessons. It’s also surprises, invitations, opportunities, serendipities, synchronicities and Divine Mysteries – each with its own gifts to present and challenges to throw down. I am always a little confused when someone tells me they’re bored. Really? Are you paying attention? I find there is so much going on around me, and even more going on within, that boredom would need a shoehorn to squeeze itself into the mix (it does succeed, but rarely). So I have to be choosy at life’s smorgasbord, and a lot of really great-seeming stuff has to be passed by. But you don’t have to eat everything at the table to feel full and satisfied!

It’s a good life. With all that’s been given and despite all that’s been taken away, I feel blessed and very grateful. The people (family, friends, colleagues, mentors and people I serve), experiences, situations and conditions that join me on the journey have all contributed to making this a pretty interesting gig so far. I look forward to rounding the next bend to see what is to be discovered.

And so another milestone is nodded to, and happy birthday to me.


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